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1. If I know not what to say when problems comes
Cause me to go dumb; lest I sin against you
Teach not my tongue to know evil
I just want to rest under your wings

2. When problems comes to dialogue, blindfold my eyes to see it
Even make me blind; lest I see and blaspheme
Make me remember your work of salvation
Lest I see and go back to Egypt

3. Carve my path with holiness, my deeds with righteousness
That I'll see problems as stepping stones of success
As the psalmist said, make me abide under your shadow
Make me invisible to sorrow

4.  When I'm down, rejuvenate me
Teach my mouth songs of praise and put sorrow to shame
Even like David, teach me new songs, and my hands psaltry
Let your spirit fall on me

When I have you as a companion
My life will be right and right always
Lord Jesus come closer than my fittest clothing
Come manifest your self in me
Jesus haven of satisfaction

© Adeola Precious Oguntibeju


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