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Showing posts from 2023

What is my sin

 How beautiful my petals where, With Sparks of a glittering star Shaded in the artistic structure of a graphic designer Not until death stuck me with it powerful Sting. Becoming the dark of Hades,and the reds of poison, What is my sins? Why was I slain? Why hath my beauty been taken and given the blackness of deep emptiness... Tolathapoet © (Written July 13th,2019)


Who am I, enbedded in the grains of Jupiter's crust, Where the grown becomes  a foetus of decaying wombs, With roots driven past my curls. What is my name, Why do I lay on the greens of solidity, Where my paws gives life to a new creature I a child of the depth, A depth known as the mother of all mother's, A depth of cage and death... Someone tell me who am I? Tolathapoet © (Written July 12th,2019)


  Ephesians 2:8 For by grace are ye saved through faith; and that not of yourselves: it is the gift of God:  Just as every other gifts, salvation is a gift from God and it is of necessity to understand the usefulness of it. There are two things this gift is aimed at achieving in a man's life: one, restoration of the GOD life, two, establishment of GOD’S throne on Earth.  The later will only be possible if the former is available. Besides, without a life there cannot be a Kingdom or throne. The goal is that GOD, through man will live on earth and establish HIS eternal Kingdom and reign as the FATHER of existence in all ages and time. Unfortunately man fell, and there arose a need for the restoration of the lost life and glory.  Salvation opens our eyes to the reality of sin in/on us and the greater reality of the power of JESUS through the blood to forgive and kill sin. This is a basic reason the devil goes for the spiritual eyes to blindfold it from seeing the wrong ...